Many player in Dota and Dota 2 play
Dragon Knight
as their charcter. Who is Dragon Knight? Dragon Knight a.k.a Davion is
very powerful tanker and must have in your group. Though dragon knight
don't have escape ability like blink or wind walk like the other
character he has a skill called Dragon Blood. Dragon Blood gives Davion a
boost on his armor and HP recovery therefore Davion can endure damage
from his enemy. Also has Dragon Tail which can stun enemy who is trying
to escape or chasing Dragon Knight.

Knight also has final ability called Dragon Form which transform Davion
into a powerful Dragon Beast. He gains move speed and special ability
from his three Dragon Form, The Green, Red, Blue Dragon Form. The final
dragon form of Davion can deal froze and splash damage that can affect
all enemies in sight. Davion can also cast Dragon Breath that can throw
fire attack to his foe. Did you know if Davion transform into an Elder
Dragon Form he will become a range character, he also can equipped Helm
of Dominator to steal life force from his opponent even he is on his
Dragon Form. You may use also use Lothar Edge to fill his lack of escape
skill. Lothar Edge can make invisible and gain additional move speed to
escape your foes. Black King Bar or BKB, is a good choice of weapon.
BKB can give you an immunity from magic therefore you can attack enemy
without interruption, you may also use this weapon to escape your enemy.
To gain more move speed use Boots of Travel and you will can cast
teleportation to other friendly character of structure. To boost
Dragon Knight
HP regenaration you must also equipped Heart of Tarrasque and also it
will give your more Hit Points and Damage because of the additional
strength from Tarrasque.
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