After playing Torchlight a year ago Runic Games released its sequel
Torchlight 2
and it was released on September 20, 2012 for Windows. I had just
bought it and Installed it right away in my PC and Notebook. Another
action RPG games for me and my brother after wandering the land of
Skyrim which we spend both playing in our free time. This game resembles
our all time favorite diablo which released also its third sequel
diablo 3. Diablo 3 can be played online but I'm not sure if it can be
played offline like Torchlight. TL2 can be played online by registering
to their site for an account and also can be played offline either
single player or multiplayer using your Local Area Network (LAN).
game support Duel System or PVP so I'm very to have this game and
played with brother and friends unlike Diablo 3. I read about the pvp
mode and I found out how to provoke a duel in game by pressing "ENTER"
then the message box or chat box will pop up then type "/PVP". Many says
that dueling system here was boring due to imbalance Damage Inflicted
by each player. Maybe Runic Games will create a patch for that, (I hope

first time running this game was very confusing, because I can't
connect the game to another computer even I setup our Local Area Network
(LAN) correctly. We don't have hub, switch or a router here therefore I
should configure our connection using Peer to Peer with cross over
cable. Luckily I managed to answer this question.
How to Play Torchlight 2 using LAN and fix the Game not found Issue
- First
I setup connection using peer to peer connection, however you can also
use any router that you have or switch just configure the dhcp or set
your static I.P.
- Next goto to this link C:UsersRashidDocumentsmy gamesRunic GamesTorchlight 2 and find local_settings.txt
- Open local_settings.txt and change the UDPORT:0 to UDPORT:1024
- You don't need to turn off your antivirus or firewall just follow the above instruction.
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